Würzburg and Bavaria
Aktion Bürger*innenasyl
The official website of Aktion Bürger*innenasyl, a campaign for the promotion of the so-called »citizen asylum« and Soli-Asyl, provides detailed information about the concept, the practice, and contact opportunities to local initiatives.
Amnesty International Würzburg
The action group Amnesty International Würzburg advocates for the respect of human rights as well as the rights and interests of minorities. The group organizes events, campaigns, and offers free counseling for refugees in the area of Würzburg. For refugees with an urgent need for advice, there is an emergency number: +49 (0) 175 125 32 24. Alternatively, you can book a counseling appointment at: asylberatung@amnesty-wuerzburg.de .
Ausländer- und Integrationsbeirat Würzburg
The Ausländer- und Integrationsbeirat Würzburg [Council for Foreigners and Integration Würzburg] fights at municipal level for the rights, concerns, and participation of migrants living in Würzburg. Its members support the free development of different cultural communities and strive to counteract discrimination and racism.
Bayerischer Flüchtlingsrat e.V.
As an independent human rights organization, the Bavarian Refugee Council – as all Landesflüchtlingsräte actively advocates for the rights and interests of refugees. In addition, the association provides helpful information materials and resources on a wide range of issuesaffecting refugees. If you have specific questions or concerns, you can reach the Bavarian Refugee Council from Monday to Friday during their phone consultation hours..
BI_PoC Safe Space Würzburg
The BI_PoC Safe Space Würzburg is open to all people who identify as Black, Indigenous, or Person of Color. The bi-weekly meetings focus on mutual exchange, networking, empowerment, and the organization of joint activities and events.
Caritasverband Würzburg e.V. – Flüchtlings- und Integrationsberatung
The Caritas refugee and integration counseling offices in the city and district of Würzburg advise refugees free of charge on everyday matters and provide information on language courses. The support also includes counseling on issues concerning social, asylum, and residence law
Deportation Alarm (No Border Assembly)
The »Deportation Alarm« of No Border Assembly provides information about upcoming deportations from Bavaria and Germany. There is a Telegramchannel, a Twitteraccount and a Facebookpage which you can follow to stay up to date. ATTENTION! Not all deportation dates are known and will be published through the »Deportation Alarm«.
Der Paritätische Unterfranken e.V. – Migrationsberatung
The free counseling services offered by Der Paritätische in Lower Franconia cover almost all areas of life. The youth immigration service supports and advises young migrants between the ages of 12 and 27. The general imigration counseling is primarily available to adults with a migration background aged 27 and over.
Diakonisches Werk Würzburg e.V. – Flüchtlings- und Integrationsberatung
The Diakonisches Werk Würzburg’s free refugee and integration counseling service supports refugees in matters relating to asylum and residence law as well as with questions about integration measures and social benefits.
Initiative für traumatisierte Flüchtlinge (Bayerisches Rotes Kreuz)
With the »Initiative for Traumatized Refugees«, the Bavarian Red Cross aims to improve the situation of traumatized refugees in Würzburg through various measures. The initiative is aimed at people who have experienced displacement as well as their relatives, regardless of their origin, age, or residence status.
Karawane München
Karawane München is an open, anti-racist group in which people fight together for equal rights and a life in dignity for all, regardless of their origin and residence status. It deals with and provides information on the topics of police violence against refugees, deportations, AnkER centers, and the Bavarian camp system as well as racism within European asylum policy.
Malteser Hilfsdienst e.V. – Integrationsdienst
The Malteser integration service in Lower Franconia offers 1:1 support as well as group services such as low-threshold educational offers, meeting cafés, parental work, support in understanding and filling out forms, and empowerment for women*.
MediNetz Würzburg e.V.
MediNetz Würzburg aims to improve the situation of refugees in Würzburg who have no or only limited access to the German health care system. During consultation hours, they arrange medical assistance and access to appropriate treatment. You can contact MediNetz either by phone (+49 (0) 160 916 610 78) or via emailorga@medinetz-wuerzburg.de).
Netzwerk Soli-Asyl Würzburg
The Network Soli-Asyl Würzburg aims to provide people at threat of deportation with temporary safe refuges, to ensure access to healthcare and legal advice, and support in developing sustainable perspectives.
Refugee Law Clinic Würzburg e.V.
The Refugee Law Clinic Würzburg is an initiative of students of the Faculty of Law of the University of Würzburg with the aim of creating a free legal and integration counseling service for refugees in the area of Würzburg. ATTENTION! The emergency number listed on the website is currently not active.
Seebrücke Würzburg
The local group Seebrücke Würzburg advocates for a migration policy based on solidarity and human rights as well as against racist isolationism. The activists organize demonstrations and other public events on the topics of flight and migration.
Sprachschule der Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio e.V.
Die Gemeinschaft Sant’Egidio bietet im Rahmen ihrer Sprachschule in Würzburg zweimal wöchentlich kostenlose Deutschkurse für alle, auch für jene ohne offizielles Zertifikat, an. Es gibt Sprachkurse sowohl für Anfänger*innen und Fortgeschrittene als auch für Analphabet*innen.
Willkommen mit Musik (WiMu) e.V.
The association Willkommen mit Musik [Welcome with Music] wants to help children, young people and adults in the Würzburg region who have grown up or live in difficult circumstances to feel at home here through music and be able to participate in the cultural life of the city.
Würzburger Flüchtlingsrat e.V.
The Würzburg Refugee Council campaigns for the rights and concerns of refugees in Würzburg and draws the attention of the general public to the situation of refugees. The association also monitors how political parties, authorities, and other institutions deal with refugees living in Würzburg.
Würzburger Ombudsrat
Through the online reporting platform »Würzburg schaut hin!« [Würzburg is watchng], the Würzburg Ombuds Council provides an independent anti-discrimination office that documents cases of discrimination and tries to find solutions for those affected by offering advice and support.
Würzburg KUlturS e.V.
Würzburg KUlturS stands for art, culture, and social issues. The association uses socio-cultural work to combat racism, promote greater diversity, and equality. Its members are strongly opposed to all forms of discrimination and exclusion.
Aktion Bleiberecht
The initiative »Aktion Bleiberecht« [Initiative for the Right to Stay] draws attention to issues concerning refugees. The activists campaign against deportations and for a right to stay for all at local, regional, and national level.
alle bleiben!
The nationwide campaign »alle bleiben!« [all stay] supports the fight of Roma for their right to stay in Germany, organizes informational events, and occasional protest actions.
Berlin Refugee Movement »OPlatz«
A self-organized group of refugees occupied Oranienplatz in Berlin in 2014. Even after the protest camp was evicted, they continued their fight for their rights. Among other things, they published the information comic »Stop Deportation« in ten different languages.
BLEIBERECHT FÜR ALLE – statt Chancenfalle!
The campaign »BLEIBERECHT FÜR ALLE – statt Chancenfalle!« [Right to Stay for All – Instead of Opportunity Trap] povides information about and criticizes the contents of the current federal government’s first migration policy package.The possibilities and numerous reasons for exclusion are explained in various languages through the so-called »Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht« [Opportunity for Residence Law].
Community for all – Solidarische Gemeinschaften statt Abschiebegefängnis
The alliance Community for all was founded in 2017 to counter the racist deportation policy of the regional government of Hessen. The alliance consders itself as an association of people and organizations with the common goal of creating a society for all.
Culture of Deportation
The project »Culture of Deportation« documents the German and European tradition of criminalizing and illegalizing freedom of movement. The findings and analyses shed light on the various forms of state violence against refugees in the EU border regime.
Deportees Emergency Reception and Support (Refugees4Refugees e.V.)
The project »Deportees Emergency Reception and Support« by the association Refugees4Refugees supports people before and after their deportation to Nigeria. In a shelter in Lagos, people can find a safe place to stay immediately after their deportation. They are provided with food and can receive medical care. Moreover, deportation experiences are documented and remaining legal options are examined. To maintain the project and the shelter, donations are always urgently needed!
Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration e.V.
Der Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration [Information Network on Asylum and Migration] provides comprehensive information on all asylum, residence, and social law issues concerning refugees. There is also an online databasethat allows you to search for counseling offices nationwide within the fields of asylum and migration.
Mediendienst Migration (Rat für Migration e.V.)
The »Mediendienst Migration« [Migration Media Service] by Rat für Migration [Council for Migration] provides information on current figures, facts, and background reports on migration, integration, asylum, and deportations in Germany.
Migrant Support Network e.V.
The Migrant Support Network is a migrant self-organization with the aim of promoting the self-empowerment of migrants. Based on the principle of helping people to help themselves, support is organized at a low-threshold and culturally sensitive level and independently of state institutions.
Netzwerk Bleiberecht statt Abschiebung
The website of Netzwerk Bleiberecht statt Abschiebung [Network for the Right to Stay Instead of Deportation] brings together all available multilingual information on options for the right to stay. The contents are constantly updated. They are aimed at people who are threatened with deportation as well as their supporters.
No Border Assembly
The No Border Assembly informs – if known – about upcoming deportations from Germany, organzes resistance and civil disobedience. The alliance also offers information material and workshops on the subject of deportations.
Ökumenische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Asyl in der Kirche e.V.
The Ökumenische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Asyl in der Kirche [Ecumenical Federal Working Group on Church Asylum] brings together the regional networks of Protestant, Catholic, and free-church communities hroughout Germany which are willing to grant church asylum.
Post Deportation Monitoring Network
The Post Deportation Monitoring Network aims to support people after their deportation, to document and report human rights violations during deportation, and to to encourage governments of host countires to change their asylum policies.
PRO ASYL is an independent human rights organization that advocates for the protection and rights of refugees in Germany and Europe. The association also supports refugees during and after the asylum procedure by providing free individual counseling. With the help of the Landesflüchtlingsräte it is also possible to apply for financial support from a legal aid fund. PRO ASYL also has a collection of counseling offices in all regions of Germany.
Refugees4Refugees e.V.
The association Refugees4Refugees offers people to accompany them on visits to the authorities, advises refugees on their asylum applications or on appeals against official decisions. In cooperation with various networks, the association also researches the political situation in the countries of origin of many refugees in order to draw attention to and document the consequences of deportations.
Roma Center e.V.
The Roma Center is a migrant self-organization that campaigns for the social participation of Roma. Anti-discrimination, political education, empowerment, advice, active participation, and the expansion of opportunities and skills for Roma are the association’s main areas of activity.
»So Nicht Bestellt« – Der kritische Podcast zum Thema Abschiebung
The podcast »So Nicht Bestellt« [Not Ordered Like This] takes a critical look at asylum policy developments in recent years and raises awareness of the realities and consequences of German deportation and isolation policies.
Support PiA – Hilfe für Personen in Abschiebehaft
In solidarity with the victims of the racist deportation policy of the regional government of Hessen, Support PiA aims to support people in deportation detention with legal and personal issues and break the isolation of people in prison from the outside world.
The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants
The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants is a network of individuals, groups, and organizations, consisting of refugees and locals, with the commitment to fight for socio-political justice, equality, and the protection of basic human rights for all.
The VOICE Refugee Forum Germany
The VOICE Refugee Forum is an independent network of activists with refugee background. Founded in 1994 in a former camp in Mühlhausen, Thuringia, The VOICE today supports and promotes the empowerment and self-organization of refugees throughout Germany.
Welcome to Europe (W2EU)
Welcome to Europe collects information that may be useful to refugees on their journey to and through Europe. The aim of the initiative is to make it easier for refugees to access advice and contacts in various European countries.
We’ll Come United
We’ll Come United is an open alliance and an initiative of people from different social, anti-racist, and political networks that aims to create space for the voices and stories of those who are not heard or not listened to.
Women in Exile & Friends e.V.
Women in Exile & Friends is an initiative of refugee women who came together in Brandenburg in 2002 to fight for their rights. Since then, they have been working together to raise public awareness about refugee policy demands from a feminist perspective. They also organize workshops and public campaigns.