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Here you will find a list of past and upcoming workshops and events organized by our association.
We consider political educational work and the development of an anti-racist mindset to be essential parts of a free and open society. That is why we want our workshops and events to contribute to sensitizing people to the causes of displacement, global injustices, and realities of refugees’ lives.
Our aim is not to speak for or on the behalf of refugees, but rather to create spaces for encounters and dialogue in which people can speak for themselves.
»Bei den Linken«
On empowerment and misunderstandings – a humorous look at a collective movement
A theater play by and with Riadh Ben Ammar
Date and time: Sonntag, 02. Juni 2024, 19:00 Uhr
Place: Theater am Neunerplatz (Adelgundenweg 2A, 97082 Würzburg)
In his new play »Bei den Linken«, Riadh Ben Ammar looks back on 20 years of political activism in Germany. It all begins in a refugee camp in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where he has his first experiences with the left scene. Who are they and why do they support us? And what does that do to us? The play tells a story about collective political struggles, empowerment, and misunderstandings.
»Bei den Linken« is part of the Theater for Freedom of Movement project, as part of which Riadh has been touring Europe with various plays since 2012. He lives between Tunisia and Germany and is a co-founder of the transnational network Afrique-Europe-Interact. He criticizes the EU’s external border and fights for the right to freedom of movement.
»Deported… and then?«
The deportation regime, the situation of those affected, and forms of resistance
An event with Rex Osa (Refugees4Refugees e.V.)
Date and time: Thursday, 14 March 2024, 19:00
Venue: Katholische Hochschulgemeinde (Hofstallstr. 4, 97070 Würzburg)
The debates around deportations and so-called safe countries of origin are currently intensifying. For example, due to political decisions such as the CEAS reform at EU level or the recently tightened deportation laws in Germany, such as the so-called »Rückführungsverbesserungsgesetz« (»Repatriation Improvement Act«).
However, there is hardly any discussion about what deportation means for the people concerned, neither here in Germany, nor in the country of destination. Even in the current demonstrations against the right, which were triggered by »remigration plans«, deportations, which happen every day, are largely not discussed. Rex Osa will analyze and shed light on this and many other topics in his lecture.
»Die Wahrheit aus meiner Sicht«
A reading with Moutasm Alyounes
Date and time: Friday, 23 February 2024, 18:00
Venue: Kellerperle (Am Studentenhaus 1, 97070 Würzburg)
Moutasm Alyounes is 25 years old and comes from Raqqa in Syria. There he was living a very normal life. Until the war. In 2015, he fled to Germany and came to Essen. Today, Moutasm reached his Abitur (A-Level) and has written a book about his life story, which was published in 2021: »Die Wahrheit aus meiner Sicht« (»The Truth from My Point of View«).
With his book, Moutasm Alyounes aims to educate people. Because the topic of flight is often viewed too narrowly: »I am just one example of many people who have had to leave their homes. There is no such thing as a model refugee, but rather many individual stories. Everyone has their own personal fate.«